Sunday, 15 February 2015

Life Book 2015: Week 7 - Your Heart Community & Magical Mystery Tour

I struggled a little with this weeks lesson, particularly the heart community.  This lesson was presented by Jill K Berry and involved making a book shaped like people.  Each page was to represent a person who was important in your life, had supported you in some way ... and that's where my dilemma began.  I had no problem with the technical aspects of making the book, and I wasn't even worried if the resulting people didn't actually look like who they were supposed to be, after all it was just supposed to be representational.  My problem was ... who do I include? 

I thought about all the people who had been and still are important in my life.  Teachers who made an impact on me, people who guided me through my life, people who supported me through illness, stood by my side when things got rough, the counsellor who helped me deal with a major trauma, people who were right beside me when life events challenged and changed me ... so many people, and how to decide who to include.  I thank you all for the influence you have had on my life - maybe I need to make a bigger book?

Anyway, I put off starting this assignment and got on to the second part - much easier and less emotionally challenging.  I didn't initially know why I was finding it so hard but then I realised that I was concerned that if I chose just four people then someone might be offended if they were not included and I didn't want to upset anyone.  I would not be who I am today without any of these amazing people but that need to keep everyone happy was stopping me from starting the lesson.

Then, just as I was waking one morning, the image of a four generation photo, taken when I was just a baby, came to me - it was of my great grandmother, my grandmother, my mother and me.  My gran passed away when I was ten after being hit by a car, my nana had a major stroke when I was only seven (although she did not pass away until I was in my mid thirties) and my mum is now in her late seventies.  How awesome would it be to recreate the four as adult women together - so that is what I did.  Gran, Nana, Mum - I will love you forever.
There is a little lift up flap on their dresses under which is written something about them.  Without these women I would not be the person I am today - and I am including me in that, each time I make a decision, I am effecting some sort of change in my life.

The Magical Mystery Tour with Violette Clark was a little different.  I think I actually missed the brief on this one and totally just did the assignment by following what the tutor did.  Now having seen some of the other students work I would like to have another go at this one and own it.  Some of the students had sandcastles, castles, cottages, motorhomes etc on theirs - they had made it their own, but not me.  I am happy with what I produced but it is not mine - I love the wings on the dragonfly and I love the hearts.
I am still searching for 'my style' but I am learning what is not me if that makes any sense.  As one of my elderly residents at work keeps saying "we'll get there".  Watch this space!

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