This week is right up my alley - doodling. My challenge however was to get the background shading done including deliberately muddied colours. Don't think I did too badly myself although I have worked out that I am a little heavy-handed when it comes to applying paint - my collage background completely disappeared. Never mind - I completed the assignment and I will be doing more of these in the future (once I get the correct pens for doodling with, and get the background colours mastered).

I love the way the white paint pen has picked up the colours from beneath it - it kind of accentuates the shading. This was my first attempt at 'structured' doodling (if you can call it that) - some of which I am happy with and some I wouldn't do again. I quite like the wee butterflies - I think I am going to add them to all my artwork in the future, sort of like my signature.
Unfortunately when I scanned this the doodled border was outside the scan boundaries but you get the general idea.
Now, off to play some more and start making this technique my own.
Thanks for a great lesson Tamara Laporte and roll on week 7.
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